A practical and professional online training course which provides you with the skills and knowledge to become a Sound Therapy Practitioner.

Sound therapy is a form of sensory therapy that has been used for centuries. It is wonderful to see how this therapy is gaining traction and growing in popularity, because actually this type of alternative medicine has already been around for thousands of years. Since the ancient times, many different cultures have used music, singing and rhythm, to heal the body and spirit.

Sound Therapy has been shown to be effective in not only supporting relaxation and calm, but also for balancing and attuning our body’s systems. This course will look into the different instruments you can use for a Sound Therapy session and how/why these can be beneficial to a client. This course will give you the understanding that you need to see how Sound Therapy works for use on yourself or for a client. There are many different forms of Sound Therapy techniques, and we will discuss these within the course, but all of these involve using sound waves and vibration to facilitate shifts in our brainwave state.

If you want to add another skill to your natural therapy bow, then this course is for you!


Course Aims:

By the end of this course, you will:

  • Understand what Sound Therapy is and how it works
  • Understand the benefits of Sound Therapy
  • Know different Sound Therapy Techniques
  • Understand the history of Sound Therapy
  • Understand how sound is measured
  • Be able to see how energy is all around us and that everything is in constant vibration
  • Know what energy Entrainment is and how this understanding is used in Sound Therapy
  • Take a look at Cymatics – the visible effects of vibration and sound
  • Understand some basic neuroscience and how sound therapy can help to calm the mind
  • Understand the healing frequencies of sound
  • Know how Binaural Beats can help to balance the chakras
  • Take a look at Chakras and Meridian energies and how Sound Therapy can be used to balance these
  • Understand the art of listening
  • Understand the different instruments that can be used for Sound Therapy and the benefits and limitations of each one
  • Understand how we can use Voice Therapy for healing
  • Understand ways you can use Sound Therapy with a client
  • Be given business advice to help you start in your practitioner role


Course Timeline:
A warm welcome onto the course by your tutor Kate Parish. Learning objectives and outcomes covered
• 1.1 Sound as a Sensory Therapy • 1.2 Different Sound Therapy Techniques • 1.3 The History of Sound Therapy • 1.4 How Sound is Measured
• 2.1 Energy Signature • 2.2 Our Body’s Energies • 2.3 Energy and Sound Therapy
• 3.1 The Limbic System • 3.2 Sound Therapy and the Amygdala
• 4.1 Energy Entrainment • 4.2 Cymatics • 4.3 Healing Frequencies • 4.4 Benefits of Sound Therapy
• 5.1 The Seven Chakras • 5.2 Out of Balance Chakras • 5.3 Meridian Points and Energy Lines • 5.4 How Can Chakras Influence Wellbeing? • 5.5 Sound therapy and Unblocking Chakras • 5.6 Using the Solfeggio Frequencies to Balance the Chakras • 5.7 Using Binaural Beats to Balance the Chakras
• 6.1 The Art of Listening • 6.2 The Barriers to Effective Listening • 6.3 Tomatis Sound Therapy
• 7.1 What is a Himalayan/Tibetan Singing Bowl? • 7.2 How to use a Himalayan/Tibetan Singing Bowl for Sound Healing • 7.3 Video to Show Himalayan/Tibetan Singing Bowls in Use
• 8.1 What is a Crystal Singing Bowl? • 8.2 How to use a Crystal Singing Bowl for Sound Healing • 8.3 Video to Show Crystal Singing Bowls in Use
• 9.1 What are Tuning Forks? • 9.2 How to use Tuning Forks for Sound Healing • 9.3 Video to Show Tuning Forks and Koshi Chimes in Use
• 10.1 What are Gongs? • 10.2 How to use Gongs for Sound Healing
• 11.1 What are Drums? • 11.2 How to use Drums and Percussion for Sound Healing • 11.3 Video to Show Drums and Percussion in Use
• 12.1 What is Voice Therapy? • 12.2 How to use Voice Therapy for Sound Healing • 12.3 Chakra Balancing using the Voice • 12.4 Chakra Balancing using Chanting and Mantras • 12.5 Video to Show Voice Therapy in Use
• 13.1 Where to go from here
Further reading that is recommended
Keeping therapies and teachings professional and inclusive
Including a message from Sue Bailey, a list of Gateway courses, important things to consider as a therapist, health and safety guidelines for therapists, discounts, and recommended products
Conclusion to the course and important information for your assessment
Information about some online consultation form builders that you can use.
Written Test
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