Anxiety can be difficult for people to manage, resulting in many adjustments to the ways they live, their health and even their personality in some cases. This does, however, differ from stress. While stress can be difficult to diagnose and give an exact definition of, anxiety has a definition that can be used to determine whether or not somebody suffers from it.

This course will outline what anxiety is and the ways in which it can cause panic attacks. It will then explore the various causes of anxiety, including life experience causes and physical causes, as well as biological and personal causes, common symptoms of panic attacks and how people are affected by anxiety. It will then go on to explain anxiety triggers, ways of overcoming anxiety, and an overview of many things to help deal with anxiety. We will look at mindfulness, what this means and how this can help in situations where anxiety may occur.

You can use this course to support your own understanding around anxiety for personal benefits, or you can use this learning to gain understanding that can help support employees or others who may be suffering from anxiety. Overall, by gaining more knowledge and understanding in this area, we are more able to help and support ourselves and those around us.

Stress can impact people at any time in their life and can be caused by many factors. Of the 12 million people who have appointments with a GP for mental health reasons, most of these people have stress-related issues. Experiencing stress can cause major difficulties in the way people lead their lives.

One of the main difficulties with stress is that its symptoms can become troublesome in numerous parts of an individual’s life. The reason for this is that it can cause many changes to their lives, with multiple symptoms appearing at the same time, or one even causing another.

As an example of the ways in which numerous symptoms can happen alongside each other, if somebody feels nervous or worried, they may choose to drink alcohol to calm themselves down and help them sleep. The alcohol may then make them feel more tired and result in them feeling even worse the following day. If it is not dealt with in a healthy way, people can become isolated and withdrawn, which can then cause depression. This is a demonstration of the ways one symptom can lead to self-medicating, or other symptoms, quickly making the individual’s life more difficult and impacting different areas of their life.

This is the reason that people who are experiencing stress often say that they have problems in many areas of their lives. By understanding this you are more able to help yourself and those around you when you notice that someone may be suffering from stress.

This course will provide you with an introduction to stress and an overview of how to successfully manage stress in order to live a happier lifestyle. You can use what you will learn to help yourself and others.

For more information, or to book onto this course, please visit:

Course Timeline:
A look into what anxiety is, including panic attacks, biological causes, childhood trauma, drug abuse and thinking styles.
This lesson looks at the feelings that can cause anxiety and how anxiety is a personal journey where there is no right or wrong solution.
This lesson covers how anxiety can affect behaviour, as well as the physical and psychological effects of anxiety.
This lesson looks at Places, Phobias, Fears and Situations and how these can be triggers of anxiety.
This lesson covers personality types and ways of overcoming anxiety.
This lesson covers acute and chronic stress, the impact of stress on the immune system, blood pressure and positive effects of stress.
This lesson covers feeling alone, anxiety and fear, panic attacks, being overwhelmed, self esteem and ways to manage stress.
This lesson looks into mental and physical health, behavioural changes, work problems, negative self talk and pessimism.
This lesson covers what is mindfulness and the benefits of mindfulness.
This lesson has looked at how Emotional Freedom Techniques can be used to manage anxiety.
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