30-Day Online Course Creation Challenge

Want more flexibility in your work life? Want to do what you love? Do you have a skill to sell? Do you have a passion to share? Do you want to turn what you love into an online course? If you have answered yes to any of the questions above then this course is for you!

Here is a 30-day challenge that will take you through how to create an online course from the very beginning, even before you have a title! Right through to promotion and getting your course out there! It is exciting times in the online learning world! It is growing at an amazing rate and education and upskilling is now available to all at budgets and times to suit. It is so unbelievably exciting that we can learn in the comfort of our own homes, whether that be a skill or a qualification – this course will teach you how to do this! And walk you through it step by step.

Anyone can create and sell a course, we all have knowledge, ideas and skills that we can share with others, and support others on their journey’s. The only thing stopping most people is the knowledge about HOW to do this. Well, look no further! This course will give you all the knowledge and understanding you need to be able to take that skill or knowledge and turn it into an online course that sells.

In this course you will:

  • Understand the role of being mindful in being successful
  • Understand how to deal with failure and move on
  • Know how to choose a winning course title
  • Learn how to gather and organise course resources into chapters that flow
  • Learn about the Mindset of high achievers
  • Learn about various different software and apps that will help you to achieve your goals
  • Learn about different course types and which one is best for you
  • Learn about the various online platforms where you can host your courses
  • Gain an understanding about branding your business
  • Understand the resources and equipment you need to get your course written and ready
  • Understand the importance of design and format
  • Learn some basic video recording and editing skills
  • Learn how to publish your course and where
  • Gain an understanding of promotion
  • Be coached throughout to keep up motivation and achieve your goals!

So join us, and let us walk you turning your knowledge and skills into a course that sells!

For more information about this course, or to book, please email: kate@trainingandclients.co.uk 

Course Timeline:
Introduction to the course
Targets and Goals
Course Topic
Skills versus Accredited
Building your Course
Gathering Resources
Canva Overview
Organising Chapters
Mindset of High Achievers
Introduction to Fiverr
Recap so far
Course Types
The basics of PowerPoint
PowerPoint Overview
Online Platforms to use
Detailed information about the LearnPad as an Online Platform to use
Overview of Udemy
Recap so far
Catch up day! No video today, so enjoy the time to catch up on tasks still not completed.
Recap so far
Design and Format
Recording Videos
Editing Video
Catch up day, no video today. Have a go at editing video, or enjoy the catch up time!
Recap so Far
Publishing your Course
Promoting your Course
Catch up day, no video today. Enjoy the time to catch up or continue with your promotional short clip.
Recap so far
Click Funnels
No video toady. Read Marketing Courses Online eBook. Our free gift to you.
Self Belief
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