The six-week distant learning weight loss course includes everything you need to know to successfully lose weight and feel great. We will take you step-by-step through the process, providing the information, support and motivation you will need to make the changes.
It takes a month for a change to become a habit and so after six weeks you will already be on the way to losing weight and feeling great!
Weight Loss Guide
This guide will provide you with all the essential information about your course and the steps you will need to make. It will teach you the basics of the alkaline diet and some essential nutrition.
Recipe Book
The recipe book will provide you with a huge variety of breakfast, lunch, main meal, snack and drink ideas. It will take you step by step through each meal, including ingredients you will need to buy and simple instructions to make the food/drink.
Weekly Menus
You will be given six-weekly menus with information on what you should be eating and drinking.
Acid/Alkaline Food Chart
This chart will provide you with a visible guide to see what you should and shouldn't be eating. Keep it close by!
Shopping List
The shopping list will provide you with a list of both store cupboard and perishable food you will need to buy to help you succeed.
Success Journal
The success journal will record and motivate your journey, keeping you motivated to succeed. Exercise Schedule The exercise schedule will provide you with easy exercises that will fit into your daily routine.
Weekly Exercise Schedules
You will be given six-weekly exercise schedules to help keep you focused and on track with your exercise schedule.
You will have access to the Ultimate Blend website, full of information to help keep you on track. You will also have one on one support from Beth Cook (owner of Ultimate Blend, Nutritionist and Health Expert)
Yes, we have many students from abroad who have taken this distance learning course with us.
You will be sent a link to download your weight loss course within 48 hours of your purchase. This will include the weight loss guide, recipe book, weekly menus, acid/alkaline food chart, shopping list, success journal and the exercise schedule.
...and remember you will receive one-on-one support throughout the entire six weeks!
See What Some of Our Customers Have Said
"Finally a diet I have been able to stick to and the results have been outstanding. Thank you, the information has changed my life."
"I have lost the weight I wanted and my energy has increased dramatically."
"My whole family have noticed changes, the information provided was great and the support really helped."
"I loved this course, it was easier than what I imagined and I now feel much better and look better too, thank you."
"So simple, it really makes sense!"
For more information on this course, or to book, please visit: