Our Baby Massage Instructor Training course is professionally accredited and recognised, offering a fully certified qualification for anyone wanting to become a professional Baby Massage Instructor.

Available to all – Professionally Recognised Course!

The course is suitable for individuals wanting to offer massage to their own baby or those looking for a new career or an extra to an existing career or therapies offered. It is also suitable for organisations such as nurseries, children’s centres or the NHS, for example, wanting to use the techniques within their business or service. Whether you are looking to provide your own baby with the many benefits of baby massage or want to gain the skills necessary to become a professional Baby Massage Instructor, this course will provide all that you need.

You do not need any prior massage or teaching experience or qualifications to do this course. The course involves approximately 20 hours of home study and a one-day practical. Easy to follow, step by step guidance and instructions – For anyone to study – You can qualify in one week or take your time and study when you choose! Learn in the comfort of your own home, with a one day practical.

Benefits of Baby Massage

“Touch is as important to infants and children as eating and sleeping” (Dr Tiffany Field)

Baby massage is beneficial to both the parent or caregiver and the baby. It allows the parent or caregiver to spend quality time with the baby, developing a bond through touch and non-verbal communication.

There are many physical, emotional and mental benefits to baby. Immediate benefits include, but are not limited to:

  • Providing a sense of calmness and relaxation
  • Creating a special bond with the parent or caregiver from the sense of touch and “togetherness”
  • Relieving symptoms of pain such as colic, teething, wind and constipation
  • Improving sleep patterns
  • Improving co-ordination, language and development
  • Stimulating the lymphatic, circulatory, digestive, respiratory and nervous systems

Baby massage is also extremely beneficial in many other circumstances, such as premature babies where the massage can be adapted to increase weight gain and prevent other complications.

Course Content

The course involves home study and a one-day practical. You must complete both the home study and practical day to gain your qualification and be awarded with your certificate.

Home Study (approximately 20 hours)

The home study part of the course involves:

  • Lesson aims and objectives
  • Lesson outcomes
  • History of baby massage
  • The importance of touch
  • Behavioural states
  • Baby cues
  • Baby reflexes
  • Benefits of baby massage
  • Setting up your business
  • Marketing your business
  • Top teaching tips
  • Recommended reading
  • Assessment (20 short answer questions) to be emailed to your tutor
  • You will also have access to videos of the massage sequence (including a sequence for relief from toothache, constipation, wind and colic)

Practical Day

The practical day involves:

  • Planning a lesson and how to structure your baby massage classes
  • Learning the baby massage sequence
  • Additional sequences for teething, constipation, wind and colic
  • Assessment, feedback and a Q&A session

You can start your home study or practical day at anytime. This gives you the flexibility to complete the course at your own pace and in your own time. You need to complete both parts of the course to be awarded with your certificate.

Why train with us?

Our baby massage instructor training course has been developed by Kate Parish and Beth Cook, between them having over 20 years’ massage and teaching experience. After both having children and seeing the many benefits massage provided, the course was created with both personal and professional experience in the field.

The baby massage instructor training classes are held in a relaxed and friendly atmosphere and are designed to ensure you will be taught all the skills necessary to feel confident in carrying out a baby massage at home or teaching baby massage classes. We not only provide you with the skills and techniques required to carry out the baby massage routine but also give you the knowledge to set up a thriving baby massage business.

By the end of the course you will:

  • Know that baby massage is an ancient technique and how and why it has become popular in the West
  • Know that touch is important and understand why
  • Know that there are 6 behavioural states and will learn about each one
  • Know that a baby has cues and will learn how to recognise these
  • Know and understand contraindications to baby massage
  • Know that a baby has reflexes and will learn how to recognise these
  • Learn the difference between behavioural states, baby cues and baby reflexes
  • Learn that a baby can show how they are feeling through engagement and disengagement cues
  • Learn what engagement and disengagement cues are and how to recognise them
  • Know that there are many benefits to baby massage and will be able to discuss these
  • Learn how to market a business and will understand some marketing mistakes
  • Understand the basics of setting up a business
  • Learn what to include in a lesson plan in order to make it effective for learning
  • Learn what makes a good teacher and will have the opportunity to practice some of these skills
  • Learn baby massage techniques and then will use these in a sequence
  • Know what the benefits and cautions are for each area of the body when massaging and will be able to discuss these
  • Use the skills learnt to practice teaching a part of the baby massage sequence
  • Have opportunities to self and peer assess
  • Be given feedback on their progress and will be given areas to develop if required


When can I start the course?

You can start the course as soon as you have made your first payment or payment in full to the tutor. You will then have instant access to an online version of your course manual and sequence videos via a link that will be emailed to you. You can therefore start your course within 24 hours of your tutor receiving your course booking.

How does the course work?

There are two stages to the course, home study and a practical day. The home study part of the course will take you around 20 hours of study, which includes reading through the course manual and answering 20 short questions (to be emailed to your home study tutor for marking). You do not need to have completed the reading and questions before your practical day but it is advisable that you have made a start with reading the course manual. You will be given full support and guidance throughout this part of the course.

The home study part of the course involves:

  • Lesson aims and objectives
  • Lesson outcomes
  • History of baby massage
  • The importance of touch
  • Behavioural states
  • Contraindications to baby massage
  • Baby cues
  • Baby reflexes
  • Benefits of baby massage
  • Setting up your business
  • Marketing your business
  • Top teaching tips
  • Recommended reading
  • Assessment (20 short answer questions) to be emailed to your tutor
  • You will also have access to videos of the massage sequence (including a sequence for relief from toothache, constipation, wind and colic)

The practical days training will run 11am-5pm. You will be given full support and guidance throughout this part of your course.

The practical day involves:

  • Planning a lesson and how to structure your baby massage classes
  • Learning the baby massage sequence
  • Additional sequences for teething, constipation, wind and colic
  • Assessment, feedback and questions and answer

Will I be qualified to teach my own baby massage classes with this qualification?

Yes, as soon as you have completed your home study (reading through the course manual and answering 20 short questions) and attended your practical days training, you will be issued your certificate and be fully qualified as a Baby Massage Instructor.

Can I complete the course in a day?

You will need to have read through the course manual, answered 20 short questions (to be emailed to your tutor) and attend the practical days training to be awarded your certificate. Prior arrangement can be made with your home study tutor to return feedback and arrange postage of your certificate on your completion day if you need the qualification quickly.

If I have already attended baby massage classes and have prior knowledge, do I still need to complete all of the course?

Yes. Our course is accredited and recognised by professional bodies and organisations. You can only be awarded your certificate if you have completed and been assessed on all parts of the course. This course involves much more than learning a baby massage sequence; you will be fully qualified as a Baby Massage Instructor where you can run your own classes (if you choose)


For more information on this course, or to book, please visit: 



Course Timeline:
This course overview is important to read before you start your course as it will explain what to do and how to complete your course.
Here you will find a Study Guide and Study Tips booklet. These are designed to help you with any questions or concerns you may have regarding completing your course and are also full of tips to help you succeed.
In this lesson you will learn some history of massage, understand the importance of touch and be able to recognise some important infant physical milestones.
In this lesson we will learn about behavioural states, cues and reflexes. We will learn to recognise how babies use these to communicate and how we can use them to further support our understanding of what babies are trying to tell us.
In this lesson we will learn all about the benefits of baby massage. We will also look at the contraindications and cautions of baby massage.
In this lesson you will learn a baby massage sequence along with a video that shows the sequence in action. You will learn how to teach a baby massage sequence and the benefits and cautions when massaging areas of the body. You will also be able to download a sequence overview which you can use to support you when teaching.
In this lesson you will learn: Basic outline for a massage course. To know what makes a good teacher. Writing a lesson plan.
In this lesson you will be able to download weekly handouts that you can use in your classes.
In this lesson you will learn: Additional baby massage sequences to help with teething, constipation and wind and colic. You will also be able to watch some videos that show these sequences in action.
This guide will teach you 100 ways to grow your business.
In this lesson you will learn: To understand the basics of setting up a business. How to set up drop-in classes.
In this lesson you will learn: About marketing a business. To know some marketing mistakes. Top marketing tips.
In this lesson you will learn some of the Health and Safety guidelines for practitioners.
Written Test
Home Study: Please ...