Enjoy discovering the amazing effects of the Emotional Freedom Techniques tapping routine.

This online course is designed to give you the knowledge of EFT in order to use it with yourself, family and friends or your clients.

Once you have completed the assignment, you will be awarded with an accredited certificate. You will be able to go onto the online platform and view or download your course certificate. You may choose to print it out or keep it safe electronically. If you would like to print out your certificate, you will need to select download first and then print from there.

‘In every culture and in every medical tradition before our own, healing was achieved by the movement of energy’ Albert Szent-Gyorgyi (1960)

According to Chinese medicine, your energy, your life force, referred to as Chi flows along known paths (the meridians) with access points known as acupoints. If the flow of Chi is disrupted, then ill health can result. The flow of Chi can be influenced via these acupuncture points. It is theorised that all your fears, emotions and negative charges can accumulate in these points and block them like a clogged drain. By touching your meridian points while reciting specific affirmative statements, tapping sparks change within you on a cellular level by rewiring your neural pathways. This is the underlying and powerful concept of EFT.

‘Change your thought and you change the world’

Emotional Freedom Techniques is thought of as a powerful ‘modern’ energy therapy, a fusion of the ideas from the East and West. Although a relatively new discovery, EFT uses age old energy understanding and knowledge to release blockages within the energy system. These blockages are thought to be the cause of an emotional disturbance and can limit us emotionally and physically.

The Emotional Freedom Techniques are used to release these blockages by tapping with the fingertips, rather than with needles (as in Acupuncture), the ends of energy meridians situated under the skin. Whilst tapping you say specific affirmative statements and these are used to rewire your neural pathways and eliminate negative emotional charges. It is used to restore awareness of the world around us and reignite a positive subconscious mind to allow the conscious mind to thrive.

On this course you will learn:

  • The history and background of EFT
  • EFT points and routines
  • The importance of Energy, Meridians and Chakras
  • The importance of emotional and physical wellbeing
  • Core issues and the effects of EFT
  • An introduction to neuroscience
  • To understand about the subconscious mind
  • To recognise EFT as a healing technique
  • Setting up your business
  • Marketing your business
  • Working with clients

Learn how to treat yourself and clients with this amazing energy technique and routine.

This online course will teach you:

  • To be able to use the Emotional Freedom Techniques on yourself and with clients
  • The underpinning knowledge of EFT and energy medicine
  • The importance of releasing energy blockages
  • That our subconscious mind controls our learned patterns of behaviour
  • To self assess and become the best practitioner you can be

This online course will give you the skills, knowledge, understanding and confidence to use this powerful technique to help yourself and others.


For further information about this course, or to book, please visit: 



Course Timeline:
This course overview is important to read before you start your course as it will explain what to do and how to complete your course.
Einstein was right. “Energy is all there is”. Our physical world is a vibration of energy.
In this lesson you will learn some of the background and history of Energy Medicine.
A video explaining what EFT is and how it works
In this lesson you will learn more about what EFT is, how it works, what Chakras are and how they relate to EFT and the benefits a client can gain by working with an EFT practitioner.
In this lesson you will learn what we mean by Emotional Wellbeing and Healing. You will look at why people don’t heal and The Reversal Protocols that we can use. You will learn how important intention is and how we can use our minds effectively. You will learn about Cognitive Shifts and the Apex Effect and Wellness in Schools.
In this lesson you will learn all about the basic tapping routine and what to say. You will also learn about the set up to an EFT routine, a short hand sequence, a sequence called the 9 Gamut Phase, EFT to balance Meridians and EFT and acupressure points. In this section there is also a downloadable teaching aid which will support you when you are working through the routine with someone.
In this lesson you will be able to watch a video that will show the set up sequence.
In this lesson you will be able to watch a video that will show you the main tapping sequence.
in this lesson you will be able to watch a video that shows a short EFT hand sequence.
In this lesson you will be able to watch a video to show the sequence of the 9 Gamut Phase.
In this section you will learn about various different EFT approaches and techniques. You will learn about: The Movie Technique, Tell the Story Technique, Choices, Personal Peace Procedure, The Three Thumps, The Cross Crawl and The Homolateral Crossover. You will learn what each one of these approaches and techniques are, when to use them and also how to do them.
In this lesson we will look at EFT sessions for the following: EFT for Addiction, EFT for Trauma, EFT for Phobias and Fears, EFT for Relationships, EFT for Pain, EFT for Weight and EFT for Guilt
In this short lesson you will look at some points to remember about tapping.
In this lesson we will take a deeper look into what anxiety is
In this lesson you will learn the answers to some of the most FAQ's that people starting out with EFT may ask.
In this lesson you will learn about the Health and Safety guidelines that need to be taken in to consideration when setting up your practice.
In this lesson you will gain some useful information about setting up EFT in your existing business or as a new business.
In this lesson you will be given information on books and websites that you may want to read or visit in order to further expand your knowledge and understanding in EFT.
Here you will find some useful information and discounts for Gateway Workshops students
Example consultation form so that you can get an idea about what should be included.
In this section there are some videos that you can watch that will help you with how to sell and market, and the difference between these. How to promote your unique skills and meet the needs of your customers. And also where to go from here in terms of setting up a business or adding to your existing business.
Multiple Choice Test
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